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How To Reduce Credit Card Chargebacks → Apr 6th 2009

As an e-signature company, a question often posed to us is "Do I even need a contract?" We often say that it depends on how well you know the other party.

In this era of web services the number of non-familiar parties doing business transactions is on the increase. With more people doing more e-business with more companies across the globe, the odds increase that the relationship between buyer and seller is a purely electronic one. Chargebacks are a particularly vexing issue which is on the rise according to some reports. You may never had tried this yourself, but credit card charges without a signed agreement can be almost instantly "reversed" simply by calling your credit card company.

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Take Your File Archiving To A New Level of Security and Safety → Sep 18th 2008

In a previous article explaining the differences between archiving and backup, I mentioned two definitions of archiving. First, archive it because the government says you have to. Second, archive it to protect yourself in the event of future legal dispute. To these important reasons for archiving records off-site, let’s add two more. Archive it to make your office more efficient and to create peace of mind. Let’s look at efficiency first.

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Guide to Creating an Environmentally Friendly Office → Sep 5th 2008

Greening Your Law Firm: A Practical Guide to Creating an Environment-Friendly Law Office is a comprehensive article by lawyer Janice Mucalov. Datawitness would like to draw your attention to this insightful article regarding the “greening of your office”. The subject matter of Ms. Mucalov’s article is based on law-firms but her advice clearly is applicable to other types of business and professional offices.

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What is the difference between Archiving and Backup? → Aug 29th 2008

We've noticed confusion among people due to a blurring of the boundary between archiving and backup in descriptions of services offered by vendors. I’m going to draw a clear line between backup and archiving to enable you to tell the difference and judge the accuracy of statements from vendors claiming to do both.

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Common Archiving Terms → Jul 23rd 2008

Archiving is such an archaic word which conjures up images of old, dark, dusty rooms in the basements of churches or museums which no-one really wants to go into.
Wikipedia's entry about archiving says "An archive refers to a collection of historical records, and also refers to the location in which these records are kept."

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