SignOff™ → Patented Electronic Signature Solution
A Datawitness electronic signature is a process which captures the intent of a recipient to accept the contents of an online message. It is legally accepted just like a handwritten signature.
When you use our electronic signature software to send your contract or agreement to a recipient for signing, you automatically capture a legally binding electronic signature without moving paperEvery gallon of gas burned creates 28lbs (12.2kg) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - 19lbs from the tailpipe and 9 from refining and transporting the fuel. The average car creates 70 tons of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. between parties.
Sign & Witness Contracts Online
- Legally binding signature
- Simple as sending email
- Authenticated contract contents
- Monitor delivery
- Best evidence tool
- Everyone gets a copy of the contract
- Instant contract delivery
- Reduce Chargebacks
No More Red Tape
Send simple agreements with our electronic signature software and receive confirmations when they are complete. Or track every step of an ongoing exchange of documents on the way to a final agreement using Datawitness' online control panel.
New electronic signature laws allow a purely electronic process for delivery of documents for signature. Datawitness uses a legally tested click wrap process that includes all steps required for binding electronic signature capture that will stand up in court.
3rd Party Witnessed Proof
Have Datawitness SignOff present while you send a contract, or other type of form, for sign-off. Datawitness SignOff works as a 3rd party witness to witness the document and protect you if a dispute arises over the agreement.
Datawitness authenticates your document and creates a unique digital fingerprint for each document you archive in a way that no other electronic signature software does. The fingerprint establishes proof of your document's authenticity. If the fingerprints of your archived document and the document you are comparing match, the documents are legally considered identical and guaranteed unaltered.
Datawitness' online filing and retrieval system creates an authentic copy of each document for online and off-site storage. A digital copy is accessible any time via the Internet, and a physical copy is kept on long-term archive media, and stored in our secure storage facility. You can rely on Datawitnessed records in court.
SignOff™ Features
New laws permit the conclusion of contracts and agreements online. Our online signature service called SignOff™ dramatically speeds up what used to be a cumbersome and sometimes costly event by allowing instant online contract signing. No couriers, No paper. No problems.

- Legally binding electronic signature capture
- Simple as sending an email
- Authenticated contract contents
- Monitor delivery and signing status
- Best evidence tool for online agreements
- Instant delivery to all involved parties
- No software to install
- Sign easily with just a click of a mouse
Contract Signing can be easy. There is no easier way to get a signature witnessed. Get Started Now!
3 Steps To A Signed, Witnessed Contract
- Select recipient(s) from Address Book
- Insert or attach your contract
- Datawitness does the rest: sends the contract, gets the signature, witnesses the transaction and archives the whole process
Contact us today and get started with electronic signatures, or sign up online.